These are the Things We Say in Bars, These are the Things We Do (Click the title to listen)
By Erin Boyd
Fish. Birds. Schools flying in figure eights to the
copulating rhythm of the universe.
How about we leave soon?
The New York Metropolitan, let's go in.
Succumb to the puerile methods used in what we call
modern expressionism.
Hefty bags of human hair forming birth-sack nests to rest
your sagging flesh in.
Refuel little jetfighter, your urd awaits, your star sack is
near empty.
These are the things we say in bars.
These are the things we do.
Take you and your last Good Find.
Go to a nearby star and sleep.
It has happened before but never so bad.
Your cargo holds are filled with the last hope of a beginning.
Software is out there tracking your every move.
Good thing for you your ship is outfitted with the latest in
avoidance technology.
Take on the impossible and know it will never, ever happen.
X-85's move across the sky, but watch out for their direction.
From light years away... you have been chosen -
your help will now show us what you're made of.
How about we leave soon?
Though amused by the far reaches of space, it's still finders-keepers.
Good luck tracking your last hope:
just beyond light speed, long enough to be home.
Something is flashing...
Light penetrates.
Studdering image stuck to the floor flashing...
and there's no time to escape through the unseen door behind you.
So slide silently now with a moustache and dark glasses.
See how the old stuck to the old and you struck like something new.
Curiously flashing, curiously stuck.
These are the things we say in bars.
These are the things we do.