Home of the Surreal O'Rama Song Poem Bizarre Lyrics Contest!!!
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
All About Beagles
Ever have one of those days when you volunteer for a cryogenics experiment and wake up two thousand years in the future in a cold puddle? If the answer is no, then I'm sorry. It was a great day all in all.
Q-tips are all the rage in the future. Not only can they clean your ears with a mad intensity, they can also book you a reservation on the 4:40 shuttle flight to Mercury. They are also excellent at keeping secrets. In the future, you can tell a Q-tip absolutely anything and rest assured that it will never leave the fine cotton crown of this most precious of hygiene items.
Today, I told a Q-tip that she looked just like a miniature baton, and she giggled. I then proceeded to tell her all about beagles, which really isn't a secret or anything, but still it was a great experiement.
I rode from the future to the present on a lovely old bus roughly the size of a cloud with a dazzling red coat on. I wondered why it was wearing the coat but was quick to discover that time travel can be cold, as can typing at 4:23 in the morning, but still, it's great to be back here in the 21st century, and some day I will invite you all over for a game of "Recognize the Modem™".
Ever have one of those days when you volunteer for a cryogenics experiment and wake up two thousand years in the future in a cold puddle? If the answer is no, then I'm sorry. It was a great day all in all.
Q-tips are all the rage in the future. Not only can they clean your ears with a mad intensity, they can also book you a reservation on the 4:40 shuttle flight to Mercury. They are also excellent at keeping secrets. In the future, you can tell a Q-tip absolutely anything and rest assured that it will never leave the fine cotton crown of this most precious of hygiene items.
Today, I told a Q-tip that she looked just like a miniature baton, and she giggled. I then proceeded to tell her all about beagles, which really isn't a secret or anything, but still it was a great experiement.
I rode from the future to the present on a lovely old bus roughly the size of a cloud with a dazzling red coat on. I wondered why it was wearing the coat but was quick to discover that time travel can be cold, as can typing at 4:23 in the morning, but still, it's great to be back here in the 21st century, and some day I will invite you all over for a game of "Recognize the Modem™".
Monday, January 29, 2007
Mouse Magic

Oh no, it's not just something that moves a cursor and clicks. Not any more. The object beneath your hand is a tool of unknown possibilities, but there are some people who are exploring the exciting new medium of mouse manipulation. Here are a few examples.
Use your mouse tomake your own Jackson Pollock -esque Picture
Here's a similar more fluid design maker by Mr. Paul Neave
With the Line To Experimental by Volcanic Penguin you can make a virtual Spyro-graph design!
This lil thing called Grappa-Blue Random is like an etch-a-sketch for the new millenium
And finally there is Jason Nelson's Undirection it would take a while to describe, so I would recommend that you just Click here to begin your journey
If you know of any fun,colorful or just plain weird, mouse manipulation sites
Send me an email or leave a comment on the blog. I'd loooooooooove to know about them!
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Who is Tara Bus(c)h?
Cover yer kiddie's eyes, today's tidbit is a little racy. What we have here are two ladies with the same name who both make dreamy videos albeit for very different reasons.
I'm a huge fan of abstract music videos, and of the Theremin, plus I don't mind nude women either. I never imagined that all three of these things could collide to form a virtual Reese's cup for the eyes and ears such as you are about to see. Tara Busch (with a "c") is an actress/model/musician who splits her time between LA and NC. Here's her video for Motorcrash;
Tara Busch's Myspace
Tara Bush (no "c") from what I have gathered makes custom videos geared towards individuals with balloon fetishes. Regardless of whether or not you fit into this category (I'm pleading the fifth here), hopefully you can appreciate the colorful qualities of this clip.
I'm a huge fan of abstract music videos, and of the Theremin, plus I don't mind nude women either. I never imagined that all three of these things could collide to form a virtual Reese's cup for the eyes and ears such as you are about to see. Tara Busch (with a "c") is an actress/model/musician who splits her time between LA and NC. Here's her video for Motorcrash;
Tara Busch's Myspace
Tara Bush (no "c") from what I have gathered makes custom videos geared towards individuals with balloon fetishes. Regardless of whether or not you fit into this category (I'm pleading the fifth here), hopefully you can appreciate the colorful qualities of this clip.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Pan's Labyrinth

Faeries, Fauns, Monsters with eyes in their hands, Giant Frogs, Enchanted Portals and a maze full of visual treats make Pan's Labyrinth the Surreal O'Rama must see movie of the month!
A little girl and her mother move in with her evil step-father who is a murderous captain in Franco's Army at the end of the Spanish Civil War. The woods are full of Rebels that are dead set on defeating the captain, but also are full of mythical creatures determined to help fulfill a prophecy involving the little girl.
Not only is this film amazing to watch, but you will also get a chance to practice your Spanish as it was hecho in Mexico!
I would recommend viewing this film with perrier, served cold in the bottle, no ice, and perhaps four or five Montpelier Maple Macaroons.
Official Website
View a clip from the film
Assorted Trailers
Listen to Fresh Air interview with Director Guillermo del Toro

Monday, January 22, 2007
Snow Globe
Last week, here in old Dixie, we ALMOST had snow, which started me a hankerin' for some of the white fluffy stuff that just doesn't seem to fall here anymore. I do have some esoteric skills, but unfortunately they do not extend into the realm of controlling the weather. That being the case, I turned to a medium that I'm sure you are all familiar with, which is the ever mesmerizing Snow Globe.
Most of us have probably seen snow globes such as these, classic and lovely examples from the collection of Rachel Bell.
But the art created by Walter Martin and Paloma Munoz (pictured below) takes globe gazers into a hazy new universe that is equal parts beauty and calamity.

Instead of fumbling around with the English Language in an attempt to describe these macabre yet serene delicacies of the eye, I will encourage you to go here and see some exquisite photosof their work, and then go here to see some more.
Has all this talk about Snow Globes and Language got you wishing that you could write a story and see it come to life inside of a Snow Globe? Well, thanks to performance artist Jillian Mcdonald you can. Her brilliant website Snow Stories allows you to view your words (or a randomly generated story) on a wintry backdrop while wondrous scenes play in (you guessed it) a Snow Globe. Give yourselves a treat boys and girls, you deserve it, YOUR VERY OWN SNOW STORY is only a click away!!!!
Most of us have probably seen snow globes such as these, classic and lovely examples from the collection of Rachel Bell.
But the art created by Walter Martin and Paloma Munoz (pictured below) takes globe gazers into a hazy new universe that is equal parts beauty and calamity.

Instead of fumbling around with the English Language in an attempt to describe these macabre yet serene delicacies of the eye, I will encourage you to go here and see some exquisite photosof their work, and then go here to see some more.
Has all this talk about Snow Globes and Language got you wishing that you could write a story and see it come to life inside of a Snow Globe? Well, thanks to performance artist Jillian Mcdonald you can. Her brilliant website Snow Stories allows you to view your words (or a randomly generated story) on a wintry backdrop while wondrous scenes play in (you guessed it) a Snow Globe. Give yourselves a treat boys and girls, you deserve it, YOUR VERY OWN SNOW STORY is only a click away!!!!
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Famous Water Bearers
This is not a comprehensive list by any means, but here's a post card from me to these Aquarian Brothers and Sisters!!!
Postcard images from Topicalpostcards.com
Postcard images from Topicalpostcards.com
Friday, January 19, 2007
The Great Fruitcake Toss of Manitou Springs, CO.

In my youth, I sold fruitcakes in order to earn money for a starving marching band in rural Kentucky. If I had known about The Great Fruitcake Toss of Manitou Springs, Colorado, perhaps I could have provided them with some Giant Sling Shot Fodder and won the prize for selling the most, which was a hand held Pac Man Game.
Oh well, I didn't win the prize, and I won't be there on January 20th when the fruit starts to fly, so let's enjoy these pics from a past tossing from ColoradoGuy.com (who graciously provided us with our posted pic today).
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Alsvid That Ends Vid
Alsvid, one of the fine horses who pulls the sun across the sky each day, took a break and came for a visit this afternoon, and I dare say that I am glad that I was standing just to the left of due North when this crazed winged equis crashed down on the very longitude and latitude of said direction.
"Honorable Alsvid!" said I, "To what do we owe this unexpected visit, is the company of Sol and Arvak wearing thin?"
"Yes, there is that. Plus the lure of a nice stiff mojito!" said the mythical demi-god through its air-weary mane.
Luckily I knew (and still know) of a distillery next to a large field of mint, so off we went. We had a lovely afternoon. We talked a bit about Mexican Goth Metal, and then played twenty rounds of twenty questions.
Naturally, it was a very long day, because Alsvid left the sun in the middle of the sky when he came to visit. I took advantage of the extra daylight to practice elevated lunges and to pick pears.
Alsvid, one of the fine horses who pulls the sun across the sky each day, took a break and came for a visit this afternoon, and I dare say that I am glad that I was standing just to the left of due North when this crazed winged equis crashed down on the very longitude and latitude of said direction.
"Honorable Alsvid!" said I, "To what do we owe this unexpected visit, is the company of Sol and Arvak wearing thin?"
"Yes, there is that. Plus the lure of a nice stiff mojito!" said the mythical demi-god through its air-weary mane.
Luckily I knew (and still know) of a distillery next to a large field of mint, so off we went. We had a lovely afternoon. We talked a bit about Mexican Goth Metal, and then played twenty rounds of twenty questions.
Naturally, it was a very long day, because Alsvid left the sun in the middle of the sky when he came to visit. I took advantage of the extra daylight to practice elevated lunges and to pick pears.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Puerile Melodies
Hey Hey Hey, it's time for Surreal O Rama Radio! Click on the link to hear the songs (they'll open up in a new window), more information about the artists etc. can be found on the links at the end of the post! Please accept my apologies for the slow loading nature of these songs. Tsk tsk.
So, goooooood moring ! Yowsa Yowsa Yowsa, my name's Billy, I'm your mp3J and we're gonna kick things off today with a tune that features what might be the world's youngest singer/songwriter, here's Meelay 'Lil Dutch
Here, we have more musical youth hijynx with Only Wierd Kids Like Disco. And, yes, I do like disco. I am wierd. I'm also a little bit hungry.
Next up is a shout out to all the Big Eyed Grays of the Zeta Reticuli. From those funloving, marching Pink Aliens.
And our final number today is a little ditty that I think you kids'll really flip over. So, here for your listening pleasure is Genetically Modified Gingerbread Man
I hope that all of the artists included here will read this comprehensive guide to acquiring a number one hit it just might be the match that lights the fuse which will ignite a powder keg causing an explosion that will change the world of pop music FOREVER!!!
I hope that all of the artists will read this Comprehensive Manual on acquiring a number one hit. It just might be the match that lights the fuse which will ignite a powder keg and change pop music forever!
Only weird kids like disco- by Expersona
Pink Alien Theme-by Pink Alien
MeeLay 'Lil Dutch-by Dutch Indica
Genetically Modified Gingerbread Man-by Kids Zong of the Week
So, goooooood moring ! Yowsa Yowsa Yowsa, my name's Billy, I'm your mp3J and we're gonna kick things off today with a tune that features what might be the world's youngest singer/songwriter, here's Meelay 'Lil Dutch
Here, we have more musical youth hijynx with Only Wierd Kids Like Disco. And, yes, I do like disco. I am wierd. I'm also a little bit hungry.
Next up is a shout out to all the Big Eyed Grays of the Zeta Reticuli. From those funloving, marching Pink Aliens.
And our final number today is a little ditty that I think you kids'll really flip over. So, here for your listening pleasure is Genetically Modified Gingerbread Man
I hope that all of the artists included here will read this comprehensive guide to acquiring a number one hit it just might be the match that lights the fuse which will ignite a powder keg causing an explosion that will change the world of pop music FOREVER!!!
I hope that all of the artists will read this Comprehensive Manual on acquiring a number one hit. It just might be the match that lights the fuse which will ignite a powder keg and change pop music forever!
Only weird kids like disco- by Expersona
Pink Alien Theme-by Pink Alien
MeeLay 'Lil Dutch-by Dutch Indica
Genetically Modified Gingerbread Man-by Kids Zong of the Week
Monday, January 15, 2007
A Shrine to Shonen Knife
As a youngster I wrote a letter to three lovely tunemistresses known as Shonen Knife. They wrote back and sent me a picture of themselves in front of a colorully painted school bus. The picture became the center piece of a shrine that I erected to them . At the time they only had two albums out, this was on one of them.
Shonen Knife-Riding on the Rocket
I had never heard of Shonen Knife until a tribute album called Every Band Has A Shonen Knife Who Loves Them came out which consisted of American bands covering their songs. Here we observe Red Kross paying homage to these Japanese Pop Princesses.
Red Kross-Kappa Ex
Some glowing, wonderous, being had the good sense to tape a british TV show in which the ladies perform "Flying Jelly Attack", "Bear Up Bison", "Pretty Little Baka Guy" and more.
Shonen Knife-Live On TV
Unfortunately due to multiple movings I misplaced the picture, the letter, and all other components of my shrine. Recently, however, Catlin from Moshi Moshi and her boyfriend Sam saw Shonen Knife play. They got me a pick with Naoko's name on it. If you were here I'd let you touch it. If you had a time machine we could go back to '90 and see the shrine. Since neither of those things seem possible at the moment, please relax and enjoy the video shrine that I've compiled here for your viewing pleasure.
Shonen Knife-Riding on the Rocket
I had never heard of Shonen Knife until a tribute album called Every Band Has A Shonen Knife Who Loves Them came out which consisted of American bands covering their songs. Here we observe Red Kross paying homage to these Japanese Pop Princesses.
Red Kross-Kappa Ex
Some glowing, wonderous, being had the good sense to tape a british TV show in which the ladies perform "Flying Jelly Attack", "Bear Up Bison", "Pretty Little Baka Guy" and more.
Shonen Knife-Live On TV
Unfortunately due to multiple movings I misplaced the picture, the letter, and all other components of my shrine. Recently, however, Catlin from Moshi Moshi and her boyfriend Sam saw Shonen Knife play. They got me a pick with Naoko's name on it. If you were here I'd let you touch it. If you had a time machine we could go back to '90 and see the shrine. Since neither of those things seem possible at the moment, please relax and enjoy the video shrine that I've compiled here for your viewing pleasure.
Sunday, January 14, 2007
All Aboard, the Surreal O'Rama Cyberspaceship Pleasure Cruise!
That all virtual tours are created equal is not a self-evident truth. But, if you will follow me, we will now board the Surreal O'Rama Cyberspaceship, where yours truly will be your guide to an assortment of tours that get the Billy Sugarfix seal of approval. Right this way, folks, watch your step, and all aboard!
Our first stop is here at the fantastic Ringling Circus Museum in Sarasota Springs, Florida. Where you can explore wardrobes, wagons, posters, and other trinkets from the Greatest Show on Earth. Once inside, be sure to visit all four rooms!
Next, let's zip on over to this lovely cemetary in Midway, Georgia. Choose your targets carefully!
And finally, since we've been on Earth for a while, let's check out this Rad Planetarium created by Mr. Paul Neave.
If you know of any virtual tours that strike your fancy as fun, unusal, incredibly colorful or just plain weird, please
Send me an email or leave a comment on the blog. I'd loooooooooove to know about them!
I hope you've enjoyed this Surreal O' Rama Cyberspace Ship Pleasure Cruise. Thank you for flying the random skies!
Our first stop is here at the fantastic Ringling Circus Museum in Sarasota Springs, Florida. Where you can explore wardrobes, wagons, posters, and other trinkets from the Greatest Show on Earth. Once inside, be sure to visit all four rooms!
Next, let's zip on over to this lovely cemetary in Midway, Georgia. Choose your targets carefully!
And finally, since we've been on Earth for a while, let's check out this Rad Planetarium created by Mr. Paul Neave.
If you know of any virtual tours that strike your fancy as fun, unusal, incredibly colorful or just plain weird, please
Send me an email or leave a comment on the blog. I'd loooooooooove to know about them!
I hope you've enjoyed this Surreal O' Rama Cyberspace Ship Pleasure Cruise. Thank you for flying the random skies!
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Horse Cave, Big Horn
On days when it is too sunny outside, I like to curl down above a well intentioned glass of tang and read the news of the world. Here are some highlights;
Goings on in Big Horn, Wyomining
Happenings from Horse Cave, KY
Goings on in Big Horn, Wyomining
Happenings from Horse Cave, KY
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
I found my pinkys. They were lying on the floor next to a leaf that was full of identical holes. It was the picture of symmetry. The holes were punched perfectly parallel to eachother. Sooo, if you're missing a leaf with beautifully crafted symmetrical perforations, shoot me a line. I'll keep it safe until I hear from you.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Meanwhile In France...
I awoke this morning only to find my pinkys missing again ( new readers see Tangled Up In Pink ). Soooo, in the absence of my digits forgive me if I forgo typing, and present you with this lovely show.
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